Contact Media

Media Address Interval Summary Mode Summary Threshold

subdomain: idnet

username: [email protected]

password: ...

service_key: 1440d2c6fdeb4656a50259f9681fb0d8

Alerting Checks

Alerting checks are any that are failing, not acknowledged, not in scheduled maintenance, and currently allowed by this contact's notification rules.

There are no currently alerting checks.

Notification Rules

ID Entities Entities Regex Tags Tags Regex Warning Media Critical Media Time Restrictions Blackholes
975016b9-a7d7-4b81-8e46-1990ad7550c2 - - generalquarters - - pagerduty
384978c7-aea2-41e7-85d6-f178ee62f810 - - - - - - []

All Entities and Checks

Entity Checks